No, this is not quantum mechanics. As i stated before, we cant have more than one reality or truth, to be right. But what i mean, is that every dogma, doctrine and religion have both embodied truths and wrongs. This world is grey, true white or black does not appear in reality, meaning there are no real absolutes. One religion is not the absolute truth, neither everything that it has in its doctrine is right. Also, none of them is completely wrong. All big religions have some things inside their dogma, that are right, but they also have beliefs that are wrong!
In order to make my case, one must first consider that if there is truly a God and he is as every religion describes him, all powerful and all good, he must be therefore also perfect. And what is God if not the definition of perfection? If there is a being that is not perfect, meaning all powerful, all good, merciful, just and loving, then by definition is not God, and it does not deserve our faith or prayer. God by definition must be perfect and if he is not, then he must not be called God! This, although it appears to be a very simple thought, it is a logic that the majority of people fail to follow and that leads them to misconceptions about God, where they imagine (or even worse believe) a vengeful God that passes his eternity by punishing the humans who do not follow His orders and therefore, these people, are being alienated from Him. So, assuming there is God, because he is perfect, every knowledge or belief about him, must also be ''perfect'', since it describes perfection, in the sense that if it gets even close to the truth, then it must be about love, forgiveness, mercy, justice, light and generally about good and benign. Also, if God is the definition of love and good, then he must desire no other than good and love for humanity, therefore, every religion or belief about him, must also be conjugated with these things. If it is not, then it must be wrong, for if a being, values something else than good, love and justice, then from definition it is not God, even further it must be an evil entity. Therefore, every knowledge or belief or dogma about God that is true and right, must be approaching perfection, in the sense that it is being composed of teachings and preachings about perfection, which means love, forgiveness, benign etc. But sadly, no religion, doctrine or organization can claim such a thing, because of the human nature. Humans, from our nature, we are no perfect, since we have negative feelings like hate, anger, jealousy etc inside us, that leads us to wrong decisions, like violence, both physical or psychological. Therefore, if humans are far from perfect, how can they grasp perfection then? Well, the answer is simple. We can't! That is why every big religion, has both rights and wrongs inside it, both truths and lies embodied in it, where the truths stem from a ''godly'' source and they are ''perfect'', while the lies stem from humanity, which misinterpret these ''perfect'' teachings and twist them, in a more ''human'', ''imperfect'' way. For example, lets think about Christianity, probably the biggest religion. Christ, talked and taught, about love, about forgiving your enemy, about turning the other chick when someone hits you! He also said, that whoever is not against me, is with me and he said to love the people around you as you love yourself. Meanwhile, the church spilled more blood in the name of Christ, than Hitler ever did. Jesus talked about forgiving your enemy and even to pray for their good and the church executed the crusades, destroyed the Indians, constituted the Holy inquisition and so on. The list with the monstrosities performed in the name of God is way too long for me to include in one article. Does that mean though, that all these sins (to use the term the church uses) that were committed by the church, are God's doings? Of course not! The teachings of Christ has been twisted by the church, throughout the centuries. If not so, then how would the church have made all those wars? How would the priests become rich? How would the Pope have a palace, when Jesus said about modesty? These things are man's doings and not God's! And that does not extent only to Christianity, but to all other religions too. Did Allah ask Muslims to became suicide bombers? Or did Zeus made the Ancient Greeks to fight against each other? No, no, no. All these misinterpretations are due to humans, who are trying to twist the divine, in order to get their way! Moreover, in the case of Christianity, the church in the first centuries after it was formed, changed the teachings of Jesus, by embodying in its core the Hebrew religion, meaning all of the old testament and also including, some less than wise texts written by Saul or more commonly known, apostle Paul. These texts, where included in the core of the religion and were considered as holy and as God inspired, as the teachings of Jesus, even though they have nothing to do with love, forgiveness or even good. The God that is presented in the old testament, has nothing to do with the all loving God presented by Christ! They were two completely different religions combined together by humans, in order to serve political purposes or other means. Of course, i cant expand on these things further, since it is not the main purpose of this article, but you can find a lot more details and proofs about that, in my other text about it. Therefore, an important distinction between religion (a man made organization, with a human conformed dogma) and God (the all perfect being of love and good) must be made, where the church, or every ''church'' of every religion, has distorted or misinterpreted at some point, more or less, the truth about God, or failed to convey the whole true ''perfection'', that only very few minds, if any, can grasp.
But, as we said above, there must by only one truth, since reality is unique and so, supposing that the all loving God, did not forsaken His humans, all teachings and credos that are true, must be the same, no matter what religion we examine. That means, that the ''God inspired'' part of every religion, e.g. for Christianity, the teachings of Jesus, must be the same, or at least not contradict each other and all the differences in beliefs, that exist between them, must be caused by a human factor, where this could be the geopolitical and cultural differences of the eras, but also the tendency of humans, to distort the divine, due to our not so divine nature. Simply put, if one is to examine all big religions, by studying their holy texts (or at least the part of their texts that is actually holy and yes, here i am referring to the not so loving God, of the old testament) and not the preachings of their ''churches'', he will find, that deep down bottom, all these religions and all the actually wise people, that represented those religions, are saying the same stuff, since there is only one truth! If someone, is to read the teachings of Christ in the new testament, the preachings of Buddha, listen to what Gandhi said and learn the philosophy of Socrates, he would discover, like me, that they are all saying the same truth! Of course, sometimes they emphasize on different issues and they are using far different words, or ways to describe something, since they lived in a different era, obviously, but the meaning is the same. Not only they never contradict each other, but they complement each others teachings. Of course, at more than one point they speak with allegorical stories and symbolical descriptions, as Christ often did, but even that, remains the same and carries the same meaning, even though it is hard to understand. The purpose of these symbolical narratives, is often explained around the different religions and beliefs and they are made like that, in order to protect the ''uninitiated'' or the ''outsider'', from gaining their hidden knowledge, for this truth could not be handled by him. If you find that, hard to accept, i encourage you to go and discuss this article, with a church fanatic, creationist, conservative, Christian. Obviously, when i say about all religions, i think it is self explanatory, that satanism and other ''religions'' like that, do not really count and can be exempted.
Of course, this article is way too small for me to discuss all the similarities between the various religions and spiritual groups and compare them, and then derive what is really truth and what is not and of course to convince you about the nature of God. This is to happen systematically, through my other articles and my upcoming book. But i will end this article, with 2 teasers. All ''holy inspired'' texts and all truly wise man (e.g. Buddha or Plato) are all giving the same description about the nature of God and usually with the same words, some of them have been already mentioned before: perfect, all good, all caring and all loving, fair and just and last but not least, hope, salvation, life and light. Second, even though there is an article of mine, specifically examining this subject, i will suffice here to mention that the parabola of the lost son, given by Christ, has the same meaning as Odyssey, written by Homer (which is obviously much more detailed) and is about the path and the purpose of man on this world.
Summarizing, there can be only one right description or truth that can explain reality and it also must be universal. Furthermore, God must be perfect, in the sense that he is all loving and all good, or else he must by definition not be God. As a result religions and spiritual systems have both embodied wrong and right teachings, due to the inability of humans to conceive and apply the perfection of the ''divine inspired'' teachings and our imperfect nature, that tends toward violence and so it must ignore the preachings of love and mercy or justify its actions by distorting the holy texts. But, since there can be only one truth, all the right parts of the religions, that approach truth, must be the same. And so, if one is to compare the holy texts of all the religions and spiritual organizations, ignoring the ''human factor'' that have been embodied inside them, he will find that they are the same and they all describe a God that is love, light and pure kindness!
Andreas Sarchosis
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